Monday, October 11, 2010

response to chapter8- page 40

i thought the reading was sad and kind of confusing. i thought it was very sad that douglass' master died without having a will. i also thought it to be very inhuman the way he was ranked amoungst animals. cause thats just not right, treating people like animals. and yet the story becomes even more depressing as douglass suffers from starvation. the sabbath school was a horrible, horrible failure as to them only meeting three times until shut down. i belived that chapter ten may have been the worst because his master, mr. covey was constintley whipping douglass without any hesitation. he would always try to catch the slaves doing something wrong as an excuse to beat them further. i found it very sad that in his free time, he would go watch the boats and dream of freedom, but as hopful as this seems, it was always cut down by mr. covey. esspicially when he was sick. douglass would be beaten for not getting up even though he was sick. this is obviously not fair to douglass, but i did not expect mr. covey to care for douglass is only property to him. i think  this last part is the best from the readings, douglass was refusing to listen to covey and they had an epic battle. douglass, obviously stronger from working all his life, kicked the crap out of covey, causing him to never touch douglass again.

comments/ questions:
chapter 8: did douglass really care that his old master had died? i thought how it was very witful of douglass to use the white boys
chapter 9: why are the fairbanks important? i think the sabbath school shouldnt have been shut down
chapter 10:why did mr. covey specifically eat douglass so much? i think it was awesome how douglass beat up covey


  1. Geoff, I agree with your perspectave on this part of the story. Also did you mean to say that Mr. COvey was eating Douglas?

  2. I didnt like the whole animal thing either! People are people not animals and should be treated with the utter most kind and respect. One thing i did like was that covey hasnt hurt douglass anymore.

    Great job, Friend :)

  3. I also sad that the reading was sad and i did not like the animal thing like you did and i like the wuestion that you had in and what you asked.

  4. Geoff,

    Your reaction writing is progressing nicely. I like that you notice that the literacy school, designed to teach the slaves how to read then New Testament, was closed down. Remember to look a little deeper into the motivation of the slave owners. Why was this school shut down? Why was this a form of repression? Why would "Christian" slave owners keep their slaves from reading their holy text?

    Keep up the good work.

  5. i think douglass did care that his master died because of his own self interest though beacuse douglass could have been given to his master's son and been treated worse and then sold so i do believe he care
