Wednesday, December 8, 2010

chapters 27-29

these chapters were really sad. although i was happy that jurgis had gotten some money, i was really suprised at first, then mornful for marija. she is not only a prostitute now, but addicted to morphine. he found her at a brothel right before a police raid, which he found due to a lady who gave him her address. but jurgis did a good job hiding his identity at the court room where he avoided being fined or even put in prison for assaulting phil connor. then sinclaire introduces socialism into the story when jurgis goes to another political meeting where a lady urges him to listen to the speech instead of sleeping. i bielieve that is is not only a turning point for the charatcter but also one of the biggest moments in this book, if the authors arguement is for socialism and to show the wrongs in capitolism, this is where he starts. i am dissapointed though, in the timing of this argument. we've been reading for 29 chapters of unfourtunate times only to read hints toward socialism until now. but otherwise, with this new idea, i think that the story is coming together nicely now, instead of just sob stories of an immegrant and his family (not trying to be harsh)


  1. Geoff,

    This was a major turning point for the whole story you did a great job summarzing. Geoff try to anaylze more just saying this is a potientally a excellent blog.

  2. Good job on this it lookes like you got into the reading and you enjoyed it yea it almost made me cry when he find Marija in the house yup but in all you did a great job on this.

  3. Geoff, I agree with you on how the socialism argument seams a little late.I think you should have some more reactions on what happened in the book.

  4. GEOFF!!!!!!!!! your like one of my bestfriends but im still going to comment on your blog and completely honest!!!! so here we go.. i think you did a gret job with your response. i like how you just didnt just retell the plot of these two chapters!!!!!!!!!!! i think your an amazing blogger everytime i read your blog!!!! soo i guess what im trying to get at here i really like you blogging ability and i think you shuld keep up the FANTASTIC work (: woop woop

  5. Geoff,

    Great work on this its amazing haha i like how much action you put in there! Your all like boom pow whoops shabam and yea.. But anyways good job and keep it up!
