Thursday, November 18, 2010

the adventures of huckleberry finn

For my individual novel, I chose the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; I chose it because when I was picking books, I was reading the backs to see which sounded interesting. When the back read of Huck and a slave boy building a raft to head down the Mississippi river and the adventure that shall be packed full of danger, I expected it to be an interesting book. But so far the book is just really, really sad. In the first book, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huck becomes really rich after stopping some robbers. But in this book, Huck’s dad comes back and expects Huck to give him all of his money for booze, wants him to drop out of school so Huck doesn’t become smarter than his father. So Huck, realizing that his father is going to beat him until he does it, decides to give all of his money to judge Thatcher so Huck wouldn’t have to give it to his father. When the widow hears of this she tries to gain custody over Huck and become his guardian, but despite their efforts, a new judge doesn’t allow it because the judge refuses to take a boy from his father, so Huck’s father takes Huck out to a cabin that he lives in and locks him in whenever he is out and about. When I think about it, I don’t think I could continue to live in the conditions that Huck is forced to be living in. I would take any chance possible to run away from the father. I feel sorry for Huck, trapped in his father’s house doomed to stay here until he is old enough to leave, and by then, he wont be educated enough to get a job, so I really hope that Huck can find a way out of this miserable place he is in.

1 comment:

  1. Geoff, I agree icouldn't live like Huck either. I liked how you wrote it. One thing I would addis to make it flow a little bit better.
