Wednesday, December 15, 2010

chapter 31

this chapter made me happy and sad. i am happy because this is the last chapter and we can all finally move on. but, i feel sorry for jurgis' sister, marija. she is still a prostitute and plans on being one for the rest of her life. because she is addicted to morphine, and being in poverty, the brothel is the only place where she can get morrphine. i know it sounds like im am promoting it, but the truth hurts. in this time there was no rehab, esspecially for those in poverty, so marija has no choice but to stay at the brothel. but i dont see why that journalist or whatever from that magazine went with jurgis. he does not support socialism but he goes anyway. i think that this says alot for jurgis because it must have taken alot of persuasion to get a capitalist to come to a meeting. i am not suprised though, that there really is no happy ending. jurgis throughout the entire book had never had long lasting good luck. so it comes to no suprise to me that nothing has changed

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

chapters 27-29

these chapters were really sad. although i was happy that jurgis had gotten some money, i was really suprised at first, then mornful for marija. she is not only a prostitute now, but addicted to morphine. he found her at a brothel right before a police raid, which he found due to a lady who gave him her address. but jurgis did a good job hiding his identity at the court room where he avoided being fined or even put in prison for assaulting phil connor. then sinclaire introduces socialism into the story when jurgis goes to another political meeting where a lady urges him to listen to the speech instead of sleeping. i bielieve that is is not only a turning point for the charatcter but also one of the biggest moments in this book, if the authors arguement is for socialism and to show the wrongs in capitolism, this is where he starts. i am dissapointed though, in the timing of this argument. we've been reading for 29 chapters of unfourtunate times only to read hints toward socialism until now. but otherwise, with this new idea, i think that the story is coming together nicely now, instead of just sob stories of an immegrant and his family (not trying to be harsh)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

the jungle chapters 20-23

the internet at my house wasnt working and neither was it in ms. O's room so i have to do it now. what really stuck out to me was that they just had ona's body laying in the middle of the floor. i know that they had no money for a funeral but you'd think that theyd at least put a blanket over her or put her in another room but thy just kinda left her in the middle of the floor. and jurgis just sat next to her in silence along with everyone in the room. its hard fot me to grasp the fact that they all are still enduring these hardships even though alot of people have died. but what else can they do? they have no money to leave, no help from jurgis, and why would they let all that work go to waste?